Program sag

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Africa RISING Science Advisory Group

(formed January 2014)


Phase II

File:Africa Rising_Arusha_SAG_23Jun17.docx June 2017: First meeting

Phase I Nov 2014: Second meeting

Jul 2014: First meeting

TOR (from Jan 2017)

download a word version:


Rationale: To ensure continuous, high-quality science in Africa RISING and compliance with its evolving research framework, the Africa RISING Program Coordination Team (PCT) and the regional Project Steering Committees suggested the creation of an independent standing science advisory body. Such a group would increase trust of current and future donors in the research carried out by the different regional research teams and eventually attract further funding.

The group advises the PCT, has a major role in priority setting, helps establish strategic partnerships and external linkages to ensure that the technical program is well aligned and that the needed set of partners participates to achieve the goals and objectives of the program.

Roles and responsibilities: The roles of the SAG members are:

  • Provide advice on scientific direction, science quality and feasibility of proposed approaches for successful implementation of Africa RISING
  • Provide advice on strategic partnerships needed to implement Africa RISING
  • Make recommendations on opportunities for better performance of the program
  • Provide advice on strategic elements such as gender mainstreaming, innovation, capacity development, essential for the success of Africa RISING
  • Review the global program performance and the relevance of its outcomes
  • Conduct internal reviews of the three regional projects (plus the M&E activities) in preparation of donor-commissioned external program reviews
  • Advocate and lobby for Africa RISING with other donor agencies to attract further funding
  • Advise the Africa RISING Communities of Practice within own area of specialization

Composition: The Group comprises individuals that encompass R4D expertise and insights from diverse institutions, balanced across gender and geography. The membership should include experts in one or several of the following areas:

  • Farming systems research
  • Gender research mainstreaming
  • Participatory research approaches
  • Multi-stakeholder research
  • R4D platforms set- up and management
  • Agricultural economics
  • Rural agricultural development
  • Monitoring and evaluation
  • Private sector engagement in rural development

The SAG is small (max. 6 persons). Members are volunteers receiving a small honorarium ($2,000/year) and reimbursed actual cost when travelling (economy class airfare).

The SAG interfaces as needed with the Project Coordinators (3) and Project Chief Scientists (3).

The Africa RISING PCT selects the initial Science Advisory Group members and appoints a Chair and Secretary for the first year. Thereafter, the Group will nominate its chair and members, to be ratified by the PCT. The PCT is responsible for periodically reviewing the composition of the committee and is empowered to add further members as required. Committee membership will be for 2-3 years to allow staggered turnover of members.

The group will meet twice a year, with maximum one virtual meeting. Members should allocate 8 days a year for their work on the group. In the case of the Chair, the level of effort should be 10 days. The Chair will annually report to the PCT and liaise with the PCT members as needs arise.

SAG members

The SAG members are the following.

  1. Moses Tenywa, Makerere University, Uganda
  2. Colletah Chitsike, Zimbabwe
  3. Jim Ellis-Jones, UK
  4. Eva Weltzien-Rattunde, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
  5. Nancy McCarthy, LEAD Analytics, Inc. USA
  6. Brigitte Maass, independent consultant, Germany

Former members

  1. Maggie Gill, Senior Fellow, DFID. Member of ISPC CGIAR
  2. Dave Harris, Independent Consultant, UK
  3. Salvador Fernández Rivera, IIICA.
  4. Christine Okali, Independent Consultant and Associate of University of East Anglia..

Administrative and financial aspects

1. Each SAG member will receive a lump sum of $2,000/year. 2. The SAG annual face-to-face meeting costs will be covered by the same Institution providing the yearly honorarium. 3. Attendance by SAG members at incidental meetings on an ad hoc basis will also be covered by that institution. 3. SAG costs will be covered on a rotational basis by all AR partners according to the following schedule: 2015 IITA, 2016 IFPRI, 2017 ILRI, 2018 IITA, 2019 IITA. 4. International travel will be covered at economy rates for the most cost-effective, reasonable route. 5. Subsistence expenses will be based on actual meal costs + 15% of the per diem (capped at USD50).