Joint Babati Africa RISING field planning meeting

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A program for the proposed joint Babati Africa RISING field planning meeting to harmonize work packages 17 - 19 October 2013 Tanzania Back to the event home page


  • To enable us revise and complete our new work package proposal and agree on budgets
  • Integrate our work packages better in the overall proposal
  • Identifying needs for socio-economic research/analysis related to our work packages
  • Joint research/extension planning and developing workplans for 2014 WP activities at site level (new and old)
  • To facilitate a general discussion between researchers and stakeholders present about a Babati R4D platform


Time Activity Remarks
Day 1 (17th) Research team only
0830-0900 Registration Festo Ngulu
0900-0930 Welcome and objectives of the meeting District Officer/ Ben Lukuyu
0930-1000 Work packages leaders (new arrangements) to make updates of their revised activities Bekunda Matete
1000-1030 Tea/coffee break
1030-1130 Discussions Bekunda Matete
11.30-1200 Identifying needs for socio-economic research/analysis related to the Babati proposal and our work packages Per Hillbur
1200-1230 Discussions Per Hillbur
12-30-1300 Breakout groups into work packages to integrate activities and finalize proposal WP leaders
1300-1400 Lunch break
1400-1600 Breakout groups into work packages to integrate activities and finalize proposal WP leaders
1600-1700 WP reporting Ben Lukuyu
Day 2 (18th) Research and field teams
0830-0900 Registration (new comers) Festo Ngulu
0900-0930 Welcome and objectives of the meeting District Officer/ Festo Ngulu
0930-1000 Summary of work packages (key activities) to bring all stakeholder on the same page Bekunda Matete
1000-1030 Tea/coffee break
1030-1100 Review of current activities in the field for all work packages- location, status quo etc Festo Ngulu and WP leaders
1100-1200 Joint site, farm selection and details on modus operandi between work packages in the field Festo Ngulu and district staff
1200-1300 Babati R4D platform: a general presentation/discussion to researchers and stakeholders present Per Hillbur
1300-1400 Lunch break
1400-1600 Joint research/extension planning and developing workplans for 2014 WP activities at site level ( new and old) WP leaders/extension staff
1600-1700 Plenary – reporting of WP workplans WP leaders
Day 3 (19th)
Starting 8 am Field trip (details to be provided at the meeting) Festo Ngulu and district staff