AR livestock stakeholders meeting August2017

From africa-rising ilriwikis

Livestock stakeholders meeting 14 - 15 August, 2017 Babati District, Arusha - Tanzania

Livestock stakeholders meeting.png

File:participants_list_liv_stakeholders_Aug2017.docx List of participants

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The aim of the workshop was to bring together all the livestock stakeholders within and outside Babati district so that livestock theme in Africa RISING project shares information of works and different research activities which are performed in Babati district, Kongwa/Kiteto, Mbulu and Karatu. Discuss the areas for synergy and future collaboration and scaling out different innovative technologies from Africa RISING and other stakeholders.


  1. Share with stakeholders Africa RISING livestock research conducted form phase 1 to date
  2. Learn about the livestock activities stakeholders implement in Babati District
  3. Explore areas for synergies and collaborations
  4. Develop a strategies for future collaboration and scaling out of our activities through our partners

Expected outcomes

Stakeholders will be aware of the project’s objectives and interventions performed in Babati district and find areas for synergy by sharing experiences of Africa RISING project and performance of related livestock activities at Babati site. Different strategies aimed at strengthening collaboration with livestock stakeholders were made during the meeting in day II. The meeting outcomes/strategies is attached in Annex 2.


Day 1: Monday 14 August 2017

08:00 - 08:30 - Registration - Scholastica and Biatus Registration and logistics 08:30 – 09:00 - Ice breaker & Introductions - Ben Lukuyu Interactive session 09:00 – 09:15 - Opening session - DED Babati district Remarks 09:15 – 09:30 - Introduction to Africa RISING - Mateete Bekunda Short presentation 09:30 – 09:50 - Introduction to Livestock research in Babati district - Ben Lukuyu 09:50 – 10:10 - Introduction to Livestock Research in Kongwa Kitetu - Chrispinus Rubanza 10:10 – 10:30 - Plenary discussion - Ben Lukuyu 10:30 – 11:00 - Health break - Scholastica and Biatus 11:00 – 11:15 - Farm Africa’s activities in Babati district - Beatrice Muliahela COSITA’s activities in Babati district - Patrick Gwasma 11:15 – 11:30 - World Vision’s activities in Babati district - Nangu Mkama 11:30 – 11:45 - TOBRA’s activities in Babati district - Kasindey Massawe 11:45 – 12:00 - SIMLESA’s activities in Karatu and Mbulu districts - Patrick Mudavadi and Woldemeskel Endalkachew 12:00 – 12:15 - Sokoine University of Agriculture’s ACGG activities in Tanzania - Dr. Said Mbaga 12:15 – 12:30 - Jumba and Mviwata activities in Babati district TBD 12:30 – 13:00 - Role of farmer groups in Babati district - Representative(s) of a farmer groups How can partners link activities through farmer groups? 13:00 - 14:00 - Lunch 14:00 – 14:15 - FIDE’s activities in Babati district - Ibrahim Shekhe 14:15 – 14:30 - Green Africa’s activities in district - Josephine Siay 14:30 – 14:45 - Plenary discussion - Ben Lukuyu Discuss all presentation 14:45 – 15:00 - Heath break 15:00 – 15:15 - Recap and forming groups - Ben Lukuyu 15:15 – 16:15 - Group Plenary discussion and closing Ben Lukuyu

Day 2: Tuesday 15 August 2017 08:00 - 08:30 - Registration - Scholastica and Biatus Registration and logistics - 08:30 – 09:00 Recap of day 1- Ben Lukuyu Interactive session 09:00 – 10:30 - Group work: To outline activities in common areas of collaboration, defining roles, responsibilities and suggesting timelines [joint work plans] - Group leads To develop template 10:30 – 11:00 - Health break 11:00 – 12:00 - Reporting back from groups - Ben Lukuyu and Chrispinus Rubanza 12:00 – 12:30 - Plenary discussion, summary and define next steps - xc Ben Lukuyu Close and end of workshop 13:00 - Lunch and departure thereafter

Meeting report

Registration and opening

Ms. Scholastica Dickson and Beatus Nzogela led the registration team, whereby 57 participants attended the meeting. Registration was carried out daily in the morning. The names of participants are attached in the Annex 1

Ben Lukuyu (Africa RISING Scientist) led the participants who attended the workshop on introduction whereby members from different institutions and NGOs had opportunity to introduce themselves with a briefly explanation on the respective work addressed by their organization regarding the livestock sector and how they are integrating them in the societies to livelihood improvement.

Benitho S. Kavenuke, a representative from the Babati District Executive Director opened the meeting by a brief speech addressing the importance of the meeting. He pointed out that majority of Babati residents entirely depend on Agriculture. He emphasized that scaling out of different innovative technologies performed in Babati by Africa RISING project and elsewhere in the country will improve production and productivity of livestock, hence enhancing the living stands of many small-scale crop-livestock farmers mostly women who are the main target of the project. He was very overwhelmed by the meeting and urged to involve more stakeholders who play part in developing livestock industry to join forces so as to have swift expansion of technologies in the society.

Africa RISING presentations

The first presentation was done by Festo Ngulu, the representative from Africa RISING project, at IITA-Arusha. He explained in brief what Africa RISING has been doing in phase I of the project (2012-2016) and what is expected in phase II. The pointed out that the project aimed at equipping farmers with sustainable improvement of their livelihood through crop-livestock integrated production while conserving the environment. In a wide range, the project aimed at improving the incomes of people, increasing the food security through the use of improved seeds and improved animals.

The second presenter was Ben Lukuyu, the ILRI scientist, working with Africa RISING. He emphasized that Africa RISING is funded by the American people under the ‘feed the future” plans. The livestock component started with 4 villages and currently the number of villages have increased to 9 villages, all of them being in Babati district. The villages reached are Long, Sabilo, Seloto, Bermi, Hysam, Shaurimoyo, Matufa, Galapo, Hallu. The project is in the second phase since January 2017.

In the first phase of the project, there were some findings which included the introduction of improved forages (Napier grass) – KK1, KK2, ILRI 16837, ILRI 16835), introduction of forage chopping and grinding machines to the farmers. The machines are used by farmers to increase the feed intake by the animals through feed processing while reducing the wastage. The machines saves time by 90%. Yet, the introduction of the improved forages has helped to mitigate the effects of climate change by intensifying the mixed crop-livestock. In the process, farmers have been found to have different interests and preferences towards the improved forages. They are much preferred to the forages that germinate and grow fast and drought resistant but they don’t look on the biomass. Furthermore, the improved forages are very friendly to the environment as they control soil erosion by 60% and also help on water retention and conservation in the soil.

The introduction of crop residues processing and utilization as the source of feed to animals is another achievement for Africa RISING. Moreover, the making of feed rations which help on improving the animal feeding and so the feed intake is the added achievement. The inclusion of the crop residues in the feed ration has improved the feed quality of which it is estimated that, including the residues in the ration increase the milk production by 1-2 liters extra. Yet the CP and ME content of the crop residues is 14-16% and 14-14% respectively.

Africa RISING also researched on the rural chicken in Babati villages. In this part as the third activity done by Africa RISING in the first phase and it was found out that 96.5% of the chicken are local/indigenous and are kept under extensive system. After this finding, their performance was assessed and the assessment focused on Mortality and growth performance. Improved chickens growth performance is high compared to the local but high Mortality at early stage of growth, at 8-12 weeks than the local chickens. Mortality and poor growth performance were mainly due to the poor nutrition, environmental stresses (coldness and predation) and diseases. The project trained farmers on feed rationing, the team of scientists in collaboration with farmers designed the housing structure, suitable for rural dwellers. The presenter invited the stake holders to promote the designed poultry house structure and other technologies.

After looking on the first phase of project, we then looked on the second phase which started in 2017 and what is addressed in the three components; forages, crop residues and rural chickens. Currently the project is focusing on feed improvement (forages & crop residues & feed processing, storage and feeding and later on the other two components). In the forages and cattle management component, the project will look on the best pathways and how to collaborate with other stakeholders for the purpose of enhencinge farmers access to forage seeds, improving the local pastures and the rangelands in general while improving the animal husbandry. Also the project is focusing on the possible business model for fodder. In the second component, crop residues; intensifying the use of crop residues and encouraging the farmers to create market for them and involve themselves in marketing. Also to promote the use of chopped and rationed crop residues for improving the animals feed intake. The last component is on the improvement of the rural chickens. In this component, the requirements are to improve the chicken rations, housing and management such as disease control, chick hutching and brooding. The gaps and opportunity in this component are to increase the brooding and supply of the chicks. The presenter invited other stakeholders to take off the brooding and supply of chicks to the farmers. Also, to create market channel for the output/product from the chicken such as eggs and live chicken. The stakeholders were also invited to promote the Africa RISING designed poultry house structures.

Presentations by other stakeholders

African Chicken Genetic Gain (ACGG) This presentation was done by Dr. Mbaga S.H. from Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA). African chicken genetic gain is a program aimed at improving chicken breeds for livelihood of farmers who engage in chicken keeping. This program deals with different regions in Tanzania including southern highlands zone, eastern sub-humid zone, Lake Zone and semi-arid zone. All these areas have different opportunities such to say feeds availability, and weather. The program has 20 villages and most of members are women. Different breeds of chicken are introduced to farmers and these are:

  1. Sasso.
  2. Kuroiler.
  3. Black Australop (from Malawi).
  4. Sasso-RIR.
  5. Koekoek (from South Africa).

African chicken genetic gain deals with data collection (as to trials they implement), training and improved management activities. They are able to supply chickens of good quality which grow fast, resistant to diseases with high production performance. For example, they have a cock chicken breed which after 20 weeks can be sold up to 30,000/=.

MVIWATA Presentation was done by Casian Malley. He started by describing MVIWATA as Mtandao wa vikundi vya wakulima Tanzania. This is an organization aiming to empower smallholder farmers. The main goal of this organization is to enhance smallholder farmers to access land and finance

  • Approach they use

Building asset, establishing demo plots and value chain, Agro rural tourism, environmental conservation and bee keeping. Bio gas technology use, is the main approach under MVIWATA.

JUMBA This was presented by Festo Ngulu. Jukwaa la utafiti kwa maendeleo Babati (JUMBA) was established in 2014 at Babati with the aim of solving challenges facing farmers in Babati region. Initially, JUMBA was supported by Africa RISING project under USAIDS. Meanwhile, the JUMBA is supposed to stand alone under the support of different agriculture stakeholders. The main aim of JUMBA is to link different agricultural stakeholders at Babati with an ultimate of improved food security and livelihood.

FIDE The work was presented by Joseph Sonola, Fence in development (FIDE) is an NGO dealing with social activities since 1992, but started implementing in 1998. FIDE works in four regions which are Tanga (korogwe), Kilimanjaro (Same and Mwanga), Manyara (Babati), and Singida.


  • Health; play part in promoting vegetable production
  • Water harvesting through dam building, tanks building especially at schools and rain water harvesting promotion
  • Education; help students in different school expenses such as fees, books and food. Also improvement of school facilities such as kitchens.

FIDE also own a project (UWIANO PROJECT) which also plays the following roles

  • Gives capacity building on modern agriculture
  • Training farmers on improved poultry management and finance on building modern chicken houses
  • Improve animal health, medical assistance (especially Wamija at Babati)
  • Capacity building on Zero grazing and forage establishment.

Greening Africa Anthony Joseph presented on behalf of the organization. It is a new project working in Babati aiming at improving human livelihoods. Different activities have been conducted under this project including the following;

  • Promoting and supporting building human modern houses (done with barbaig tribe)
  • Promoting improved toilets and kitchens
  • Promoting forages establishment by encouraging farmers to plant grasses like Gliricidia sepium, moringa, diversifolia.
  • Developing of water trough and wells.

Kongwa-Kiteto Research experiences This presentation was done by Chrispinus Rubanza from Dodoma University. He presented livestock activities which are implemented at Kongwa/Kiteto site. The presentation focused on the livestock integration in cereal-Maize based system. They have been doing researches on fodder production and conservation of the forages in a gene bank at Kongwa Livestock Research Institute. Also, they have been doing research and focusing on rangeland management and restoration of the rangelands in Kiteto district. This is because, during the dry season there is high scarcity of feeds, even the available ones are mostly of poor quality with the biomass of 1.5-2.5tDM/ha which is very low. So establishing improved forages and management of the rangelands will help to increase the quantity and quality of feed all over the year. In these districts, the grazing areas have decreased due to high stocking rate. Furthermore, they are now encouraging farmers to plant fodder tree such as Gliricidia sepium and other legume species such as Clitoria ternatea to overcome the feed shortage. They have been involved in improving the poultry sectorThey started with poultry characterization within the Kongwa/Kiteto districts. Capacity building on different displines were addressed to farmers. These included diseases control, breeds and breeding.

Tanzania Livestock Research Institute (TALIRI) Angello Mwilawa from TALIRI Mabuki and Walter Mangesho from TALIRI Tanga presented on behalf of the Institute. TALIRI refers to Tanzania Livestock Research Institute. It is a government mandated for livestock research. Their presentation focused on two major components;

  • Improvement of the dairy-derived livelihood in agro-pastoral and pastoral areas through vain and Innovation platform development approaches
  • Improved forage species that are selected to be grown in different agro-ecological zones of Tanzania.

The objective of the first component was to assess the use of the dairy value chain and the important of innovation platforms. It is a group of individuals with different backgrounds and interests: farmers, traders, processors, researchers and government officials. The formation of the platforms has been seen to be one of the strong strategies that bring the farmers together and work together. It has significant positive effect on decision making and more on the dairy value chain as the members come together to identify problems and look for gaps/opportunities in the course of seeking livelihood improvements. The plat form is clustered at the levels, the national, regional and village levels. The district level, is yet to be formed but in the process. The dairy value chain has been also promoted at village levels where the farmers have been encouraged to group milk collecting center for easy access of the market and inputs.

The second component, explained about the important of improved forages. Poor livestock productivity particularly meat and milk (both quantity and quality) is associated with feed scarcity in terms of quantity and quality. The best solution is to introduce and use the improved forages.

FARM AFRICA Presentation was done by Willium Mwakyami on behalf of the organization. This is an organization that aims at bringing prosperity in the rural Africa by enhancing the farmers to improve their income sustainably. Their strategy is to increase yield by promoting quality seeds, link farmers to the market for the yield and create opportunities to farmers whenever they arises. Currently, they have a new project that focuses on sunflower production and linking the sunflower producers to the market. This project operates in Hanang, Babati and Simanjiro districts.

Community Support Initiatives In Tanzania (COSITA) Patrick Gwasma presented on behalf of the organization. This is a non-governmental organization working and helping the farmers who are living in the marginalized areas and dangerous environments. Their vision is to create better living standard of farmers by accessing their important social services in their natural environment. Their mission is to improve the quality of life of these people who live in the marginalized areas. COSITA has three operating projects currently; Babati pastoralists’ land right project funded by CARE via Irish Aid and Support (2013-2018), Mwanzo Bora Nutrition project funded by AFRICARE under the USAID (2013-2018) and the last one is Impriving smallholder farmers through sesame Value chain project (2015-2018).

Their presentation focused on the Babati pastoralists’ land right project funded by CARE via Irish Aid and Support (2013-2018). The aim of the project is to reduce poverty and the vulnerability of pastoralists in Babati district, the purpose and objectives are to improve pastoralists’ livelihood through institutional strengthening, enhancing capacity on land rights, advocacy skills and participatory planning processes for the use of resources relevant for pastoralism in Babati district and to promote land use planning, demarcation and legal protection of restituted grazing land, re-opened and established livestock routes for improved access, ownership and control by pastoralists’ men and women in Babati district by the end of 2016. Before the project, only men were allowed to have rights to land ownership but not women. Recently, women have rights and access to the lands as COSITA created awareness to the farmers. They started with 9 wards, 24 villages. The outcome of the awareness creation have produced more than 24 pastoralists union, equality towards land ownership has grown in most villages in Babati, the grazing land are now managed and utilized well.

World Vision The presentation was done by Staford Mwambola. This organization is almost spread over the whole country of Tanzania. It mostly deals with the welfare of human kind such as building and helping on schools, health, and food. It focuses to children as they believe helping a child means helping the whole of the family members. They have different activities that they implement including; helping on income development to farmers through enhancing agri-business, promotion and helping farmers to practice sustainable agriculture. They work in Babati and Monduli districts through promoting the use of alternative resources such as biogas. Currently, they have established 275 groups of which 66% are women who are in the project related to maintaining the genetic potential of chickens.

Group work and discussion

This session came-up after presentations from all stakeholders and it was intensively implemented on the second day of the meeting. The discussion focused on areas for collaboration among different stakeholders who participated the meeting. Three major areas were commonly identified for a discussion. These were; Animal feeds (forage and crop residues), Chicken value chain and Lobbying and advocacy. The colaboration areas are summarized in anex2

Animal feeds (forage and crop residues) Under this issue, common topic included seeds availability, seeds plantation, forage management, usage and storage. Under seeds availability members such as TALIRI, ILRI, CIAT, TAFORI, SUA, Greening Africa and farmers can play the role. Plantation, management and usage can be conducted by farmers while storage can be played with both farmers and expertise. The main activities included education and supply of seed (done by expertise i.e. organizations), while farm preparation, management, seeds plantation and all process after is done by farmers including encouraging their fellows.

Chicken value chain The common topic included improvement of chickens raising, feeds availability, chick hutching and brooding, and capacity building on poultry management, including disease control, feed rationing, chick brooding and marketing. Challenges being; death, poor breeds and availability of feeds.

Lobbying and advocacy Different issues raised under this topic including; capacity building and feedbacks to farmers regarding what is changing in the sector, give support to different farmers’ groups, search for sustainable market for farmers, improvement of acts, capacity building pertaining farmers rights and deliberation on land rights and regulations.

Strategies for collaboration

  1. Strengthening JUMBA continue after Africa RISING exit

Link groups to JUMBA Link JUMBA members to JUMBA Harmonizing and link all groups under each organization

  1. Group email for exchanging information
  2. Joint meetings ( at least 6 meetings per year)


  • SIDO, OYE, TAA HIFADHI and Financial institutions should also be included since they are also partners though they didn’t have a representative in the meeting
  • Should also be included

Field visit

The team leading the poultry activities in Kongwa-Kiteto and Babati did a field visit at poultry sites allocated at Babati sites. The purpose of this visit was learning on activities at the ground and sharing the science behind for the purpose of harmonizing their activities in future. They agreed to make another visit at Kongwa-Kiteto sites for the same purpose.

Way forward

The network among the livestock stakeholders needs to be strengthened. To start with, all stakeholders are encouraged to share their ongoing activities at the ground through the provided emails so that they can join their effort to reach more farmers. This is possible and the area to start with is capacity building programs to farmers and promotions of developed technologies among stakeholders.

Areas of collaboration among organizations

Area Interested institution Collaboration area
LIVESTOCK (large ruminant animals)
Forage FIDE, Africa RISING, TALIRI, Green Africa * Access to planting materials to farmers
* Disease control.
* Capacity building on forage
* Identification and multiplication of planting materials
Crop residues Africa RISING, Greening Africa, TALIRI, COSITA Africa RISING -Training
TALIRI-Treating cr and conservation
Natural Pasture management COSITA, Africa RISING, Greening Africa, Government, Farm Africa (FM), TALIRI COSITA, Greening Africa,, FM-Allocation of grazing areas
Africa RISING, FM-improvement of farmers
Farm Africa-
Water sources GA, COSITA, FM, Word vision, MVIWATA, FIDE, Greening Africa,- Source managent
Africa RISING - Access, Training
COSITA- Water troughs
Labour serving technologies Africa RISING, COSITA, TALIRI, * Chopping machines
* Water lifting devices (human & livestock
* Ox-cart
Feed formulation Africa RISING, TALIRI, FIDE, GA, Word vission * Feed rations
Farm structures Africa RISING, FIDE, * Housing
* Feed store
Disease control Africa RISING, FIDE, COSITA, SUA, TVLA, *
Brooding and supply of chicks Africa RISING, Irine, Kwaraa farms LTD, Word vision, MVIWATA-Arusha. * Incubation
* Rearing
* Supply
Marketing (eggs and meats) Africa RISING, Irine, Kwaraa farm, Word vision, MVIWATA-Arusha. * Identification and linkages
* Market information
Feeding Africa RISING, TALIRI, SUA, * All aspect
Housing Africa RISING, Irine, Kwaraa farm, Word vision, MVIWATA-Arusha, SUA * Design
* Promote
* training
Diseases Africa RISING, Word vision, SUA, TVLA, MVIWATA-Arusha. * Training
* vaccination program
Capital Local financial institution Loan

Participants/stakeholder categories and their roles (in relation to Africa RISING)

Stakeholder How they are related to Africa RISING project activities Contact personnel/address
Farm AFRICA Involved in dairy goat production, fodder establishment on contour bands and agroforestry. We link on fodder tree and shrubs for sheep and goats. Beatrice Muliahela
Contact: +255 788 614 272

Willium Mwakyami
COSITA # Emphasize on pasture land management such as keeping the number of livestock according to available pasture land
# Livestock keepers training especially on land ownership rights
# Emphasize use of manure, soil and water conservation techniques (e.g. use of contour).

All these areas are relevant and complementary to Africa RISING livestock activities.
Patrick Gwasma
Contact: +255 784 649 025
E-mail: []
1. Magugu ADP
2. Gorowa ADP
# Supports poultry keepers by providing cross bred chicken
# Supply dairy cows/heifers to livestock keepers
# Provide training on animal husbandry

We link mainly on chicken value chains and capacity development on livestock technologies
Cluster Manager: (Nangu Mkama)
Contact: +255 784 430 966

Staford Mwambola
MVIWATA-Arusha Juma Mchinja
FIDE # Livestock production (dairy cows),
# Processing of dairy products
Joseph Sonola
Green Africa # Improvement of local breeds of cattle,
# Facilitate planting of fodder trees as source of livestock feeds and way of soil conservation.
Josephine Siay
+225 782 340 691

Anthony Joseph
Kwaraa farm Deo Komba
+255 755 411 119
Angello Mwilawa

Walter Mangesho

TALIRI West Kilimanjaro
Leonard Marwa
Local Governments Babati District
Alfonce Haule

Mbulu District
Apolinary Arthur Bura
TOBRA - A dairy goat breeding scheme (Toggenburg Breeding Association) Emphasize of good animal husbandry and fodder establishment Kasindey Massawe
Contact: +225 784 392 598
SIDO – (Small Industries Development Organization) A national wide Parastatal Organization involved in promoting small scale industries, capacity building in entrepreneurship, marketing. Also provide short term loans
Could support our agribusiness initiatives in Africa RISING.
Faraji Swaburi
Contacts: +255 787 483 343
Riroda Ward (Riroda, Sangara, Endaberg Villages) – Fodder group Involved in Dairy cattle production & Fodder establishment. 1.Martin Duuma – C/Person
Contact: (255 783 851 332

2. Shamba Labowa – Secretary
Contact: +255 787 885 122
Singu Village - Fodder Involved in Dairy cattle production & Fodder establishment. 1.Zakaria Hhylori – C/Person
Contact: +255 784 675 943

2. Anastazia Emmanuel –Secretary
Shauri Moyo Village - Fodder Involved in Dairy cattle production & Fodder establishment. 1.Emmanuel Masisira – C/Person
Contact: +255 787 411 257

2. Edward Masisira – Secretary
Seloto/Haysam Village (Poultry & Fodder) Involved in Dairy cattle production, Poultry keeping & Fodder establishment. 1 Andrea May – C/Person

2. Kasian G. Malley – Secretary
Contact: +255 788 584 685
Hallu Village (Fodder) Involved in Dairy cattle production & Fodder establishment. 1.Bonday Derong – C/Person
Contact: +255 786 547 104

2.Maria Oim – Secretary
Contact: +255 785 976 582
Gallapo Village (Poultry) Involved in Poultry production. 1. Amina Ramadhani
2. Joseph Daudi
Long/Bashnet Village (Fodder) Involved in Dairy cattle production & Fodder establishment. 1.Niima Ammi – C/Person

2.Martin Maqway – Secretary
Contacts: +255 684 298 738
Mawemairo Village (Fodder) Involved in Dairy cattle production & Fodder establishment under irrigation. 1. Mwanjaa Khatibu – C/Person

2. Jumanne Moustafa – Secretary
Contact: +255 784 412 086
Matufa Village (Poultry) Involved in Poultry production. 1. Mwajabu Sadiki – C/Person

2. Hamisi Salum - Secretary
Matufa Village (Fodder) Involved in Dairy cattle production & Fodder establishment. 1. Juma Hamisi – C/Person

2. Doglas Chissussa - Secretary
District Level
Link different stakeholders to achieve farmers’ objectives (opportunity to break barriers against joint action through sharing and learning) at District level. Elda Mmary

Festo Ngulu
Gallapo Link different stakeholders to achieve farmers’ objectives (opportunity to break barriers against joint action through sharing and learning) at Ward level. 1.Asha Mao – C/Person
Contact: +255 683 909 664

2.Hiit Emmanuel – Secretary
Contact: +255 785 934 784
Bashnet Link different stakeholders to achieve farmers’ objectives (opportunity to break barriers against joint action through sharing and learning) at Ward level. 1.Lucia Lulu – C/Person
Contact: +255 788 852 118

2. Filipo Michael - Secretary
Dareda Link different stakeholders to achieve farmers’ objectives (opportunity to break barriers against joint action through sharing and learning) at Ward level. 1.Vallerian Peter – C/Person
Contacts: +255 784 286 488

2.Elda Mmary – Secretary
Contacts: +255 658 852 058
Irene Neema Hatchery farm Involved in chick hatchery and supply for Africa RISING – Poultry component. +255 784 883 328